Date saved : 4:48PM 22 Jul 1996 [Original] [Local copy] Saved by GetURL by James Burton
TheNet: TheNet/ISP Internet Service Providers Options.


TheNet/ISP Leased Line Connectivity. From £ 7,995.00 pa.

TheNet/ISP is designed primarily for use by Internet Service Providers widhing to set up or change from their existing provider. This account offers a fixed connection into the Frontier Network, enabling the ISP to access the Internet.

Services Provided.

Class C Address - Out of 256 addresses included within the Class C address, the following addresses will not be available for use.

Usenet News Feed - News is provided by one of two methods. We can provide news as NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) feed, which means that we will transmit the news to a server upon your network, enabling you to access the news locally. The alternative to offer Reader Accounts which will enable users on a customers network to access our news server and read and write mail.

Secondary DNS - Secondary DNS is useful if the customer`s name server stops functioning.

Mail Backup - If the customer`s mail server ceases to function, or there is an outage on their link, then mail backup will enable customer mail to be held on our machine for a period of 7days while the custmer rectifies the problem. Once your system is again operational, the mail will be automatically forwarded through the customers link to their server.

Domain Name Registration - This is limited to a UK registration only, such as .CO.UK, .ORG.UK, .GOV.UK AND .MOD.UK. Please consult the price listing for additional costs of United States registration, eg. .COM.

News Groups - FCI will offer to host 5 newsgroups on behalf of the ISP. These newsgroups are intended for support on the iSP`s network.

UK POPs - FCI`s POP network is the largest in the country, with POPs spanning the United Kingdom. FCI permits the ISP to offer access to these.

EuroPOPs & US POPs - FCI`s European and US Pop network is also available to the ISP. (Details of Countries and Cities available upon request).

IRC - The customer can connect to FCI`s own IRC network.


BandwidthInstallationYearly Charge
2Mb E1£3,295£39,995
Above 2Mb (upto T3 45Mb)£P.O.A.£P.O.A.

Additional Class C£50
Additional UK Domain name£50
Additional US Domain name£75
IP Router£1,000 per Annum
Web Space£4.25 / Mb / Month
Leased Line£ P.O.A. for larger sizes
Backup ISDN - max 64K£29.95 / Month
Backup ISDN - max128K£59.90 / Month
Pipeline 25 ISDN RouterFrom £850
Host/Web Mirroring£ 2.50 / Mb / Month
Host/Web Mirroring (per Session)£5.00 / Session
Emergency Call Plan£ P.O.A.

Points of PresenceCost
UK POP Access£5.00 / Account / Month
Euro-POPs£20.00 / Account / Month
US POPs£20.00 / Account / Month
All prices exclude VAT @ 17.5%

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